Kujawski with tomatoes, garlic and basil
This type of Kujawski Oil is a virgin rapeseed oil enriched with herbs, garlic, sundried tomatoes and basil. This composition of herbs makes Kujawski with...
Kujawski with garlic and basil
In this unique composition, Kujawski virgin oil was combined with natural herbs to create a practical blend that highlights the unique flavour of your dishes....
Kujawski with lemon and basil
Rapeseed oil can be used not only as a base for salads and dishes served hot, but it also gives them an outstanding taste. Kujawski...
Kujawski with hot peppers, tomatoes and basil
The unique composition of Kujawski oil with hot peppers, tomatoes and basil make delicious dishes, often without a need for additional seasoning. Basil added to...
Kujawski with garlic
Kujawski virgin rapeseed oil with garlic is a perfect solution for lovers of spicy dishes who value convenience. The mixture of oil rich in omega-3...
Kujawski with basil
Kujawski with basil is another unique combination of virgin rapeseed oil enriched with additional ingredients. This composition will surely appeal to all lovers of dishes...
Kujawski z rozmarynem, oregano i bazylią
Nowy wariant oleju rzepakowego z pierwszego tłoczenia wzbogaconego o wyjątkowe składniki – rozmaryn, oregano i bazylię. Ta kompozycja z pewnością spodoba się wszystkim miłośnikom potraw...
Kujawski z oregano, pomidorem i cebulą
To propozycja oleju z pierwszego tłoczenia łączącego aromat ziół, pomidora z charakterem smaku cebuli. Kujawski z oregano, pomidorem i cebulą stanowi doskonałe źródło nienasyconych kwasów...