Documents for suppliers

Supplier Code of Conduct

At Bunge, we expect our employees and suppliers to meet the highest standards of ethics and integrity. Our relationship with suppliers is built on mutual respect and trust that we will each work together to always do what’s right when conducting business. We always seek to maintain the trust of our employees, customers, shareholders, suppliers, and communities in which we operate.

Supplier Code of Conduct

General Terms and Conditions of Cooperation with Suppliers of Goods and Services to Bunge Group in Poland

General Terms and Conditions of Cooperation with Suppliers are an integral part of the purchasing process at Bunge Polska. This document sets out the standards of cooperation with our suppliers as part of each new contract or purchase order.

General Terms and Conditions for the Purchase of Services and-or Goods

Environmental Requirements for suppliers of services and materials to Bunge Group in Poland

HSE standard for production sites

Safety and concern for ourselves and for our contractors are our highest priorities. Please read the document that sets out the company Health and Safety and Environmental standards, which we strictly observe and enforce.

Bunge Safety Rules

Bunge Safety Rules – Consent Form Template

Archival documents